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Spatial Comps has entered the specialized field of computer assisted appraisal. Spatial Comps has brought together the best concepts of real estate appraisal and statistical analysis to design several products for real estate and mortgage financing industries. One such product is RAPID Tool. Spatial Comps products are designed to perform sophisticated market analysis in a modern computerized environment.

The RAPID product is designed for single property value review. RAPID is the provider of user developed single property valuation estimates using unique geospatial derived comparable sales based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Thus RAPID is uniquely placed to support the mortgage finance industry for continuous review of market values and real estate appraisers for the single property appraisals.

RAPID Tool is a trend-setting, break through application that revolutionizes and reverse engineers the traditional Sale Comparison Approach used by Assessors. This Tool is a plug-in for Microsoft MapPoint North America 2009 that will streamline and improvise existing spatial approach to GIS Data to provide a better view and statistical analysis of the data. RAPID Tool will provide efficiency and ease of data handling, filtering and analyzing.
RAPID Tool is a Desktop Application which enables the user to select comparable properties for the subject providing a GIS interface through MapPoint.